Latest Test Shows Apple's New iPad Pro M4 is Extremely Durable

TapTechNews on May 16, since the Bendgate incident of iPhone 6, people have been skeptical about the durability of any thin and light devices released by Apple. The latest M4 iPad Pro is no exception, after all, it is the thinnest product Apple has ever produced. However, the latest tests show that users can rest assured, the new iPad Pro will not easily bend under normal use.

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TapTechNews noticed that when Apple unveiled the new iPad Pro at the launch event, they emphasized that this thin and light design will not compromise its durability, as Apple has adjusted the internal structure and body materials.

Of course, many users do not believe Apple's words alone, they need more convincing proof. Tech channel JerryRigEverything's Zack Nelson and other YouTubers have conducted rigorous bend tests on the iPad Pro M4, reassuring skeptical users.

Although Zack tried his best to bend the new iPad Pro, it remained intact, Zack even marveled at its black technology-level structural strength. However, when he bent the new iPad Pro vertically, he eventually broke the iPad Pro M4, but it also required a lot of force.

Although over time, the slim tablet may slightly bend with use, it can be certain that under normal daily use, the new iPad Pro should not fracture or show obvious bending.
