Key Tech News for May 22, 2024

Tech Last Night and This Morning time, hello everyone, and now it's Wednesday, May 22, 2024. Today's important tech news includes:

1. WeChat Input Method Tests Standalone Mode: Caches the word bank to local in advance, and the network connection function is not available

Currently, the latest version shown on the WeChat Input Method official website and various app stores is 1.2.4, but the actual downloaded Android version number upgraded to 1.3.0 provided by the download link on the official website (click here to enter). This version adds a standalone mode, which does not require networking and is purely used locally. >>View details

2. Tongyi Qianwen Announces that the GPT-4-level Main Model Qwen-Long Reduces the Price by 97%, One Yuan for 2 Million Tokens

On May 21, Alibaba Cloud closely followed ByteDance and threw out a blockbuster: Tongyi Qianwen's GPT-4-level main model Qwen-Long announced a price reduction, and the API input price dropped from 0.02 yuan/thousand tokens to 0.0005 yuan/thousand tokens, a decrease of 97%. >>View details

3. Baidu Announces that the ENIRESpeed and ENIRELite of the Wenxin Large Model are Completely Free, Effective Immediately

Last week, ByteDance released the Doubao Large Model and announced that the large model price entered the cent era, claiming to be 99.3% cheaper than the industry. On May 21, Alibaba Cloud also announced that Qwen-Long of Tongyi Qianwen reduced the price by 97% to respond.

Now, Baidu's Wenxin Large Model goes further and directly announces that its two main models ENIRESpeed and ENIRELite are completely free and take effect immediately. >>View details

4. It is Rumored that the Next Generation DDR6 Memory Rate Can Reach 17.6 Gbps, and the LPDDR6 Memory Rate Can Reach 14.4 Gbps

The blogger Darkmont released the documents about the next-generation DDR6/LPDDDR6 memory standard of Synopsys and JEDEC on May 21, showing that the DDR6 memory rate can reach 17.6 Gbps and the LPDDR6 memory rate can reach 14.4 Gbps. >>View details

5. 56 Publishing Units Jointly Resist the 618 Book Promotion of Unlimited Discounts Hurt the Whole Industry

Recently, launched a book promotion plan during the 618 period, claiming that it will conduct a promotion with a full-variety book price guarantee of 2-3 discounts within 8 days. At present, including 10 publishing institutions in Beijing and 46 publishing institutions in Shanghai have sent a notice letter to Jiangsu Yuanzhou E-commerce Co., Ltd., stating that they will not participate in this round of promotion of >>View details

6. The Black Myth: Wukong WeGame Game Attribute Interface Removes the Denuvo Anti-Piracy Label

At the 2024 Tencent WeGame Game Night held on May 19, the official of Black Myth: Wukong announced the pricing of the standard version of the Chinese PC version of 268 yuan and will be released on August 20.

D encryption is widely used by many game studios to protect their games from being pirated. A large number of games will be launched with D encryption to prevent cracking, and then removed after a period of time to improve the player experience. >>View details

7. Xiaopeng MONA's First Car Will Be Listed and Delivered in the Third Quarter, and a New B-Class Pure Electric Sedan Will Be Delivered in the Fourth Quarter

Xiaopeng Motors CEO He Xiaopeng said at the first-quarter earnings conference call that MONA's first product is a compact pure electric sedan, which will be unveiled in June and officially listed and delivered in the third quarter this year. >>View details

8. Microsoft Launches a New Win11 ARMtox86 Compatibility Layer Prism, and the Translation Efficiency Increases by 20%

As Microsoft jointly launched a series of Snapdragon processor ARM laptops with Qualcomm, the company also made another effort in software and launched a new ARMtox86 compatibility layer Prism, claiming that the translation efficiency increased by 20%.

Microsoft said that Prism is not just a new name for the old translation technology. After installing the Windows 11 24H2 update, the translated applications will run 10% to 20% faster on the same ARM hardware. >>View details

9. The League of Legends Free Name Change Activity Goes Online, and the Summoner ID System Upgrade Is Completed

The official of League of Legends issued an announcement. In order to give all summoners a better game experience, the official started the comprehensive upgrade of the League of Legends Summoner ID system in December 2023. As of the announcement issued on May 20, the Summoner ID system has completed all upgrade plans. >>View details

10. Microsoft's New SurfacePro National Pre-sale: Snapdragon XElite/Plus Chip, Starting from 8688 Yuan

Microsoft launched a new SurfacePro product at the Build 2024 Developer Preview Conference at 1 a.m. Beijing time on May 21. Optional Snapdragon XElite and Snapdragon XPlus chips, with the first OLED screen (LCD screen for the lowest configuration), and the starting price in China is 8688 yuan. >>View details

11. Tencent's DNF Mobile Game Is Fully Occupied upon Opening: The Official Maintenance for 1.5 Hours and Subsidy in the Game

Tencent's Dungeon and Fighter: Origin (DNF Mobile Game) officially went online at 9:00 on May 21. Subsequently, the WeChat server of the DNF Mobile Game has been maintained due to an abnormality. >>View details

12. Yu Chengdong: The Model of Huawei and Jianghuai Cooperation Targets Far Beyond the Grade of Maybach and Rolls-Royce Phantom

Yu Chengdong, the executive director of Huawei, the chairman of the Terminal BG, and the chairman of the Intelligent Vehicle Solution BU, disclosed that in the first quarter of this year, Huawei's Smart Car Selection has achieved a profit turn, while Huawei's car BU lost 6 billion last year.

Yu Chengdong introduced that the name of the Smart Car Selection model cooperated by Huawei and Jianghuai has not been determined yet, and the positioning is to be a million-level, targeting far beyond the grade of Maybach and Rolls-Royce Phantom. >>View details

13. Douyin, Kuaishou, and WeChat Announce the Micro-Drama Filing Rules: It Must Be Broadcast after Obtaining the Filing Number

Recently, each platform has released relevant rules about micro-drama filing. On May 17, the WeChat platform released the new rules for adjusting the micro-drama filing mechanism. Starting from May 27 this year, micro-dramas with a production cost of less than 300,000 yuan need to submit a cost allocation ratio report, and obtain the filing number after review. For the dramas that have passed the review and need to be changed, they need to comply with the regulations or submit an application. >>View details

That's all for today. Tech Last Night and This Morning, see you tomorrow.
