Kingdom Hearts to Land on Steam, Possible Port to Nintendo Switch

TapTechNews May 22nd news, the official of Kingdom Hearts announced that it will land on the Steam platform on June 13th (TapTechNews note: in some areas it is the 14th), including:

Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 Remastered Collection

Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue

Kingdom Hearts III + ReMind (DLC)

@MbKKssTBhz5爆料称, Square Enix is considering porting Kingdom Hearts 4 to Nintendo's next-generation game console Switch 2 (unnamed); The Kingdom Hearts series will have more crossovers with more IPs in the future.

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Kingdom Hearts to Land on Steam, Possible Port to Nintendo Switch_1

He disclosed that although Kingdom Hearts 4 is currently only confirmed to land on PlayStation and Xbox platforms, Square Enix is also exploring the possibility of introducing the entire Kingdom Hearts series of works to Nintendo's new console.

This may be related to the company's hope to expand the game platform distribution, especially after the poor sales performance of Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth being exclusive to PlayStation.

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According to the introduction, the current development code name of Kingdom Hearts 4 is Quattro, and the overall style is somewhat different from the previous public trailer. Some online interactive elements will also be integrated into the game. In addition, the next round of testing of the mobile game Kingdom Hearts MissingLink is also planned to be launched this month.
