When Will <Grand Theft Auto 6> Come to PC? Take-Two's CEO Offers Vague Response

TapTechNews June 1st news, Take-Two and Rockstar officials have currently only confirmed that the game (GTA6) will be released on Sony's PlayStation 5 and Microsoft's Xbox Series S|X game consoles in the autumn of 2025. So when will this game land on the PC platform?

 When Will <Grand Theft Auto 6 data-image= Come to PC? Take-Twos CEO Offers Vague Response_0" />

Take-Two's CEO Strauss Zelnick attended the TDCowen conference this week. When being asked by the media whether there is currently a PC version of game under development and whether the PC version will be announced in the future, Zelnick gave an extremely verbose answer, which is translated by TapTechNews as follows:

At this stage, all I can disclose is: No announcement means some things are still not finalized, and in the future we will inform players through announcements. We may not issue an announcement later, but it may depend on the situation later.

R Star has rich experience in distribution and will release more information at the appropriate time. I believe that the correct strategy of our company is that wherever the consumers are, what our company has always done is to meet the needs of consumers over time, wherever they are and on any meaningful platform.

The above content of Zelnick seems to have said a lot, but there is no substantive content at all. Currently, the relevant content of the PC version of game cannot be confirmed.

The informant of R Star, Tez2, exposed in October 2023: A year ago, I was as optimistic as you that would be released on all platforms simultaneously, but currently this game will be given priority to the console version, and the PC version will be released several months later.

 When Will <Grand Theft Auto 6 data-image= Come to PC? Take-Twos CEO Offers Vague Response_1" />

R Star's series of games has always given priority to the console platform version, and the PC version is launched some time after the console version is released. The PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of were launched in September 2013, while the PC version was not released until April 2015; the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of were launched in April 2008, and the PC version was launched in December 2008.
