China's Largest Offshore Photovoltaic Project Starts Construction

TapTechNews May 19th news, according to China National Nuclear Corporation, on May 19th, China's largest offshore photovoltaic project - the 2 million kilowatt tidal flat photovoltaic demonstration project of China National Nuclear Corporation Tianwan was officially started construction in Lianyungang, Jiangsu.

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It is introduced that the project is expected to be grid-connected for the first time in September 2024 and fully grid-connected in 2025. During the 25-year operation period, the annual average on-grid electricity will be 2.234 billion kWh, which can meet the annual production and living electricity demand of about 230,000 people in a moderately developed country, and save about 680,000 tons of standard coal and reduce 1.77 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually.

After the project is fully completed, it will be coupled with the Tianwan nuclear power base of China National Nuclear Corporation to form a large clean energy base with a total installed capacity of more than 10 million kilowatts.

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TapTechNews found out that the Tianwan nuclear power plant mentioned above is a Sino-Russian cooperation project, which was officially started construction on October 20, 1999. The first phase of the project constructs 2 Russian AES-91 pressurized water reactor nuclear power units with a single-unit capacity of 1.06 million kilowatts, with a design life of 40 years and an annual power generation of 14 billion kWh.

On December 22, 2018, Unit 4 was put into commercial operation, marking the full completion of the first and second phases of the Tianwan nuclear power plant. On June 8, 2018, China and Russia signed the inter-governmental protocol and framework contract including the relevant cooperation in the construction of Units 7 and 8 of the Tianwan nuclear power plant.

According to the news of the State Grid, as of May 19, the Tianwan nuclear power plant, the largest nuclear power base in the world in terms of total installed capacity, has cumulatively transmitted more than 400 billion kWh of clean power, reaching 400.164 billion kwh, which is equivalent to reducing 320 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions. Currently, Units 7 and 8 of the Tianwan nuclear power plant are under intense construction. After the full completion, the total installed capacity of the Tianwan nuclear power plant will exceed 9 million kilowatts, and it can provide more than 70 billion kwh of clean power annually.
