Top 10 Phishing Websites in July 2024 Tencent, Ministry of HRSS, etc. Among Them

TapTechNews August 12th news, today the 12321 Network Bad and Junk Information Reporting and Acceptance Center announced the top ten phishing websites that were complained about in July 2024, ranked in order of complaint volume as counterfeit Tencent, counterfeit Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People's Republic of China, counterfeit Apple, counterfeit websites of public security and judicial organs, counterfeit China Construction Bank, counterfeit China CITIC Bank, counterfeit Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, counterfeit Bank of China, counterfeit State Taxation Administration of the People's Republic of China, counterfeit Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.

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Upon verification, it is a common fraud tactic for illegal elements to create realistic counterfeit websites to conduct phishing fraud against the vast number of users. If users visit these phishing websites and fill in real information according to the website prompts, it will lead to the theft of personal information or bank card information, or the other party will defraud money by asking you to transfer and remit under the pretext of income tax, deposit, handling fee, etc., and then suffer economic losses.

Data shows that the most complained about is the counterfeit Tencent company phishing fraud website, with a complaint volume of 79 times, an increase of 14.5% compared to June. The second most complained about is the counterfeit Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People's Republic of China phishing fraud website, with a complaint volume of 38 times, an increase of 280.0% compared to June.

TapTechNews attaches some cases as shown in the figure below:

Top 10 Phishing Websites in July 2024 Tencent, Ministry of HRSS, etc. Among Them_1

Reminder from the 12321 Acceptance Center: If you receive such a text message, do not open the link in the text message, do not disclose your personal information, and do not be intimidated by the court lawsuit text message threat from the scammer. Once again, it reminds users who have lost Apple phones before that the Apple Security Center will not actively send lost and found text messages, emails and calls, do not be deceived. It is recommended to consult the official website or file a complaint with the 12321 Acceptance Center.

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