OpenAI Directors' Claims and Calls for Government Intervention

TapTechNews on May 27, local time on Saturday, two former OpenAI directors, Helen Toner and Tasha McCauley, wrote in The Economist magazine that they insisted on the decision to remove CEO Altman and cited senior leaders as saying that Altman created a toxic culture full of lies and carried out behaviors that could be characterized as psychological abuse.

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TapTechNews note: The two resigned when Altman was removed in November last year, but Altman was quickly reinstated a few days later and returned to the board of directors five months later.

Toner and McCauley mentioned in the article that OpenAI cannot be responsible for itself. We also believe that the developments since his (Altman's) return to the company - including the departure of senior talents focusing on safety and returning to the board of directors - are a bad omen for OpenAI's 'autonomy experiment'.

The two said that if OpenAI wants to successfully complete its stated mission of benefiting all mankind, the government must intervene and establish an effective regulatory framework. The two bluntly said that they once believed that OpenAI could manage itself, but from their own experience, self-management cannot reliably withstand the pressure of profit incentives.

At the same time, however, the two also believe that if the law is improperly designed, it may burden small companies and thus hinder competition and innovation.
