China to Develop Insurance Products for New Citizens and Promote New Energy Vehicle Insurance

According to TapTechNews on June 19, TapTechNews learned from the National Financial Regulatory Administration that the 2024 Lujiazui Forum was held in Shanghai today. Li Yunze, secretary of the Party Committee and director of the National Financial Regulatory Administration, attended and stated that insurance products will be tailor-made for new citizen groups such as delivery boys and online car-hailing drivers and flexible employment personnel.

Li Yunze also said that efforts will be made to speed up the improvement of insurance products covering the full life cycle of technology enterprises, and improve the compensation policy mechanism of the first batch (set). Increase the support of insurance funds for strategic emerging industries, advanced manufacturing, new infrastructure and venture capital; Improve the green finance evaluation mechanism, push for comprehensive insurance coverage for new energy vehicles, and encourage insurance institutions to strengthen risk protection and capital support in green industries and green consumption.

In terms of new energy vehicle insurance, Sheng Qiuping, vice minister of Commerce, once said in March this year that the next step will be to study lowering the insurance premium rate of new energy vehicles, promote the improvement of the socialized maintenance service capacity of new energy vehicles, and strive to solve the worries of the people when buying cars.
