Hydrogen Off-Grid Supercharging Station Project Signed in Hubei

TapTechNews August 8th news, integrating the information of Chutian Expressway and Hubei Communications Investment. On August 6th, the first hydrogen off-grid supercharging station project on Hubei expressways was successfully signed in Wuhan. This project is jointly built by Chutian Expressway, a listed company controlled by Hubei Communications Investment, and leading hydrogen energy enterprises such as Shanghai Re-Fire Technology Group Co., Ltd. and Hydrogen Power Storage Energy Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

Hydrogen Off-Grid Supercharging Station Project Signed in Hubei_0

According to the strategic cooperation agreement, the three parties will jointly lay out hydrogen off-grid supercharging stations along Hubei expressways to provide supercharging services for new energy vehicles and accelerate the commercial application of hydrogen off-grid supercharging stations.

According to the person in charge of Re-Fire Technology, hydrogen-electric coupling can store hydrogen produced from clean energy such as wind and photovoltaic power during the off-peak period of electricity usage, and then generate electricity through hydrogen fuel cells during the peak period of electricity usage, achieving peak shaving and valley filling of the power grid. Through hydrogen-electric coupling, it can meet the market demand of ultra-high-power charging of the 800V platform to the greatest extent, helping to stabilize the impact and fluctuations caused by disorderly high-power charging on the existing power system, and complementing the traditional power grid, thereby helping to better meet the increasing demand for new energy vehicle energy replenishment.

The person in charge of Hydrogen Power Storage said that the current phenomenon of insufficient charging piles has attracted attention with the rapid growth of new energy vehicle charging demand. Using hydrogen off-grid supercharging piles for rapid deployment can effectively deal with the charging tidal phenomenon during holidays.

TapTechNews note: Charging tidal refers to the phenomenon of charging congestion and the resulting charging pressure of new energy vehicles during the peak period of holiday traffic. When the tide rises, there are more vehicles and fewer piles, and the difficulty in finding piles brings charging anxiety.
