Samsung Display and Microsoft Sign New Agreement for OLEDos Panels in MR Devices

TapTechNews August 8th news, today (August 8th), Korean media TheElec reported that Samsung Display and Microsoft have signed a new cooperation agreement to develop and supply OLEDos panels suitable for Mixed Reality (MR) head-mounted display devices for Microsoft, with a scale of about several hundred thousand units.

It is reported that Microsoft is developing MR devices for multimedia contents such as games and movies, and it is expected to be launched after finalizing the OLEDos specification, mainly for the commercial field, and the finished products will be delivered as early as 2026.

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Samsung Display established a new team named MProject last year, focusing on developing OLEDos panel technology. Here, M represents micro in microdisplay, which is mainly used in various head-mounted display devices, and the team is led by Executive Vice President Jaebeom Choi.

SamsungDisplay also cooperates with Samsung's logic business department SamsungSystemLSI to develop OLEDos.

SamsungSystemLSI is responsible for designing the silicon wafer of OLEDos, and the wafer itself is manufactured by SamsungFoundry.

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The wafer is then sent to Samsung Display's A1 factory in Cheonan, and Samsung Display deposits organic materials on the wafer and encapsulates it. The report also pointed out that if the supply of OLEDos increases, Samsung Display plans to handle the color filter and MLA work by itself.

TapTechNews note: OLEDos is the abbreviation of OLED on Silicon, depositing OLED on a silicon substrate instead of the existing glass substrate, which is a new generation of display screen that is thinner and has higher pixels than the glass substrate.

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Compared with general display screens that use hundreds of pixels per inch, OLEDos has thousands of pixels per inch, which can achieve ultra-high resolution in the same area. In addition, the OLEDos technology has a wide viewing angle and can prevent the ScreenDoorEffect phenomenon from occurring, thereby providing users with the best sense of immersion and the lowest fatigue.
