Apple's New Patent for VisionPro Headset - Exploring Head Control Solution

TapTechNews July 3rd, according to the latest list publicly disclosed by the US Trademark and Patent Office, Apple has obtained a new patent for the VisionPro head-mounted display, exploring a head control solution in addition to gesture and eye tracking.

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According to the patent description, the wearer of the VisionPro head-mounted display can tilt or turn their head to move the slider on the screen, which may be used for adjusting the volume and brightness in the future, etc.

For VisionPro head-mounted display users with inconvenient hands, Apple's exploration of this patent provides a new solution. The wearer only needs to move their head and observe things to control everything on the Apple VisionPro head-mounted display. TapTechNews attaches relevant pictures as follows:

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This 'head control' method will inevitably aggravate the wearer's motion sickness, so it is not clear whether Apple will deploy this patent plan in the future and equip it to subsequent products of VisionPro.
