Operating Data of China's Telecom Operators in May 2024

TapTechNews on June 20, it was reported that China Unicom just announced and released its operating data for May.

As of May 2024, the cumulative number of users of China Unicom's Big Connection has reached approximately 1.053 billion households. The cumulative number of 5G package users is 274 million households, and the cumulative number of Internet of Things terminal connections has reached 551 million households.

TapTechNews note: The cumulative number of users of Big Connection = cumulative number of mobile paying users + cumulative number of fixed-line broadband users + cumulative number of fixed-line local telephone users + cumulative number of Internet of Things terminal connections + cumulative number of networking dedicated line users.

Operating Data of Chinas Telecom Operators in May 2024_0

China Mobile also announced today that in terms of mobile services in May, the total cumulative number of customers reached 998.44 million, with a net increase of 1.078 million households. Among them, the number of 5G network customers reached 502.558 million households, and the total number of customers of the wired broadband business reached 307.521 million, with a net increase of 111.8 million households.

In May 2024, the number of mobile users of China Telecom was 415.38 million households, with a net increase of 1.93 million households that month and a cumulative net increase of 7.61 million households so far this year. The number of 5G package users is 334.26 million households.
