
TapTechNews July 13th news, Capcom has now released the theme song promotional video of the game Gi: The Path of the Goddess, which is based on the Japanese mythological theme. The game will be released on July 19th and will be available on Xbox Series X|S, Windows, PlayStation 5, and Steam platforms, and will be included in XGP at launch.

Capcom stated that Gi: The Path of the Goddess is a Kagura strategic drama with sword dancing and command ability, which is a single-player Kagura strategic drama that experiences the fun of action and strategy in an original Japanese worldview.

In this game, with the mountain village covered by filth as the story stage, the protagonist Sō and the priestess Yo aim to restore peace to the Calamity福山 covered by filth. They suppress the incoming alien Fearful Cry and purify the filth.

During the day, you need to rack your brains to purify the village and prepare for the attack. At night, you need to resist the attacking demons and protect the priestess. Before purifying the filth in the mountains and regaining a stable life, countless days and nights will repeat...

The game is currently available on Sony's PSN Hong Kong service (click here to visit), priced at HK$388 (TapTechNews note: currently about 362 RMB); while on the PC platform, the game is priced at 248 RMB in the Steam China region (click here to visit).
