Samsung Gets New Phone Design Patent with OLED Screen and Fingerprint Sensor on Back

TapTechNews July 11th news, according to the latest list publicly disclosed by the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), Samsung has obtained a new mobile phone design patent, characterized by a small OLED screen and a fingerprint sensor on the back.

Samsung has explored various design plans with an OLED screen on the back in the patent. TapTechNews attaches the relevant patent diagrams as follows. In patent drawing 2B, the camera adopts a vertical design, with the OLED screen on the left; in patent drawing 2C, the camera adopts a horizontal design, with a fingerprint sensor on the left and an OLED screen below.

Samsung Gets New Phone Design Patent with OLED Screen and Fingerprint Sensor on Back_0

Samsung Gets New Phone Design Patent with OLED Screen and Fingerprint Sensor on Back_1

Samsung Gets New Phone Design Patent with OLED Screen and Fingerprint Sensor on Back_2

Samsung Gets New Phone Design Patent with OLED Screen and Fingerprint Sensor on Back_3

Samsung also mentioned the keywords of hologram and projector in the patent, but did not show them in the form of patent drawings.

VIA: patentlyapple
