Fraud in Live Streaming Industry Scams Targeting Buyers

TapTechNews May 26th news, currently, the 'live streaming industry' is booming, and many fraud gangs are eyeing this market, claiming to be able to provide buyers with'resources such as videos', 'accounts', 'getting Blue V, etc.', inducing victims to pay real money.

According to the recent report of CCTV News, in July last year, Ms. Zhang in Ningbo, Zhejiang received a private message while browsing short videos. The other party claimed to be a 'customer service' of the internet celebrity incubation base and said that 'as long as you buy a course worth 499 yuan, you can earn high income', and also promised to help the client attract fans to become an 'internet celebrity'.

After Ms. Zhang operated, only some 'zombie fans' were added to the account. Later, the fraud gang said that a 'tutor' was needed to match better resources and induced her to invest more than 100,000 yuan with various 'lines'. Eventually, Ms. Zhang realized she was deceived and reported to the police.

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The police investigation found that this cybercrime gang set up dozens of 'zombie' companies, relying on a certain short-video platform to find target objects, and under the guise of 'incubating internet celebrities', set up multiple routines to commit fraud.

After investigation, the police finally closed the net and arrested more than 130 criminal suspects, seized 189 mobile phones and 145 computers on the spot, froze more than 200 bank cards and froze more than 10 million yuan in funds, and the involved amount of money flowed up to 180 million yuan.

Recently, there have been many related frauds. According to the previous report of TapTechNews, recently, there have been many new types of telecommunications fraud cases in the name of 'editing courses' in many places across the country. The police investigation shows that tens of thousands of deceived people have been found across the country, and most of them are middle-aged and elderly people over 50 years old, and the involved amount of money amounts to hundreds of millions of yuan.

Most of these fraud cases use the '0-yuan open class' as a bait to induce students to take the bait, and complete all operations in the private domain with the official title. The enterprise WeChat of the guiding teacher belongs to, and the merchants corresponding to the payment QR codes for the two times before and after are different entities, many of which show abnormal operations and 0 insured people, and they are scattered all over the country and have not been established for a long time.

Related Reading:

'In the Name of 'Zero-Base Editing Course': New Type of Telecom Fraud with Involved Amount of More Than 100 Million Yuan, Tens of Thousands of Deceived People Nationwide'
