NetEase Cloud Music Updates Android Tablet UI

TapTechNews May 26th news, NetEase Cloud Music recently released the V9.0.82.194714 version update for the Android side, and this version gray-tests the UI layout on the Android tablet side. (1 inch = 2.54 cm)

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This version has a relatively high degree of completion. Compared with the previous parallel world, the layout within the application has been optimized and has more content display, but there is still room for improvement compared to the iPad side.

TapTechNews attaches the comparison pictures of NetEase Cloud Music's Android tablet side and iPad side as follows:

Home Page

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Playlist Page

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Playing Page

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It should be noted that the new UI belongs to the gray test. After some users install it, there will be a situation where the old UI is displayed. The official version launch time has not been determined yet. TapTechNews will continue to pay attention to the subsequent adaptation situation of the Android tablet for the NetEase Cloud Music App and report to you at the first time.
