Microsoft to Retire 'Driver Verifier Manager' in Windows 10 and 11

TapTechNews May 31st news, Microsoft today updated the support documentation and announced the retirement of the graphical user interface (verifiergui.exe) of the 'Driver Verifier Manager' in Windows 10 and Windows 11 systems, and will completely remove it in future version updates.

Microsoft to Retire Driver Verifier Manager' in Windows 10 and 11_0

TapTechNews note: Users can press the 'Win key + R key' combination in the system, enter 'erifier' in the popped-up command line window, and hit the Enter key to see the manager.

Microsoft to Retire Driver Verifier Manager' in Windows 10 and 11_1

Microsoft stated in the official announcement:

The Driver Verifier Manager is outdated and will be deleted in future Windows versions. Users can use the verification command line (verifier.exe) instead of the graphical user interface of the driver verifier.

The command line version of the 'Driver Verifier Manager' still exists. For those.users who don't like command line tools, built-in tools such as 'Device Manager' and 'Event Viewer' can be used to find driver-related errors.

Microsoft to Retire Driver Verifier Manager' in Windows 10 and 11_2
