US DOJ Eradicates Largest Botnet with International Cooperation

On May 31st, TapTechNews reported that the US Department of Justice, in cooperation with Interpol and local law enforcement agencies in Singapore, Thailand and Germany, had recently successfully eradicated the "largest botnet in history", 911S5. The related botnet virus mainly infects users' computers by cracking software/games, and it is said to have cumulatively infected 19 million devices.

According to the investigation, the main criminal suspect in the case, 35-year-old YunHeWang, was responsible for operating the 911S5 botnet from May 2014 to July 2022. This criminal suspect mainly "poisoned" Windows users by "reprocessing" cracked game software on the internet and embedding malicious botnet viruses, and then providing them to unknown victims for download in a "free distribution" manner. Once the victim downloads and installs the relevant content, the device will become a member of the 911S5 botnet.

TapTechNews learned from the report that the 150 servers used by YunHeWang to control the 911S5 botnet are scattered around the world, and he mainly uses these servers to deploy malicious Trojans and uniformly control the infected devices. It is said that he has made "more than tens of millions of US dollars" in profit over the years, and the losses of the victims caused by the related botnet exceed billions of US dollars.
