QQ Platform's Crackdown on Online Hostility and Malicious Actions

On June 15, TapTechNews reported that the QQ Security Center announced that the QQ platform has concentrated on rectifying the problem of online hostility this year, and has so far dealt with 13,200 illegal accounts, banned 891 illegal groups, and taken down 21 illegal topics.

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TapTechNews learned that in the process of remediation, the QQ platform focused on issues such as online gutter and exposing personal information, maliciously slandering and rumor-mongering and attacking the parties involved, stigmatizing specific groups and inciting regional confrontation, maliciously abusing and reporting others in an organized manner, creating vulgar online buzzwords or maliciously creating memes, and inciting extreme online emotions.

Moreover, the QQ platform also strengthened the positive reminder and guidance of online behavior. For the reported users suspected of posting insulting information, after verification and confirmation, the platform generally sends a warm reminder about civilized friendship to the relevant illegal users in a timely manner through the QQ Security Center official account to guide users to surf the internet civilly. Since the beginning of this year, the QQ platform has sent a cumulative reminder of more than 2.07 million people-times.

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The QQ platform stated that it will continue to severely crack down on all kinds of illegal and compliant information发布 and dissemination of online hostility, as well as the network black and gray industries behind it.

The QQ platform calls on the majority of netizens to participate in online activities rationally, strictly abide by relevant laws and regulations, and jointly maintain a good order of network communication. If you find bad information related to online hostility or are suffering from the infringement of improper online content, please keep evidence and file a complaint and report through relevant channels as soon as possible.
