
Apple's PrivateCloudCompute and ComputeModule Devices

Apple's PrivateCloudCompute for processing data and its ComputeModule devices, with details on M2Ultra chip and privacy measures.

Apple Rejects Meta's AI Cooperation Due to Privacy Concerns

Apple refused to partner with Meta on AI, citing privacy issues, and has agreements with others instead.

FTC refers TikTok case to DOJ

The FTC refers TikTok's potential violation of children's privacy to the DOJ, and TikTok responds. Less than 150 letters.

QQ Platform's Crackdown on Online Hostility and Malicious Actions

QQ platform takes measures to combat online hostility, including dealing with illegal accounts and groups, and strengthening guidance. It also targets the related black and gray industries.

X Platform to Keep 'Like' Function Confidential for All

X (Twitter) platform to make 'Like' function private this week to protect privacy. Affects all users. Elon Musk comments.

Apple Introduces New Privacy Feature in iOS18 Beta

Apple's iOS18 Beta brings a privacy protection feature for locking and hiding apps. Requires secondary verification. Learn more.

Apple Announces 'AppleIntelligence' at WWDC 2024

Apple officially announced 'AppleIntelligence' at its 2024 WWDC conference, providing AI functions for devices. It also enhanced Siri's intelligence and ensured privacy, with hardware limitations. Learn more.


Microsoft chief scientist defends Windows 11's Recall function and addresses privacy and security concerns; data stored locally.

Adobe Creative Cloud's New Terms Spark Concerns Among Users

Adobe's newly revised terms for Creative Cloud raise concerns about user privacy and access, including for training AI. Learn more here.

Apple's iOS 18 AI Features and Privacy Concerns

Apple plans to make iOS 18 AI features privacy-conscious and opt-in only. 9to5mac weighs in.

OAIC Releases Statement on TikTok Preliminary investigation No violation found

The OAIC released a statement on the preliminary investigation of TikTok, finding no apparent violation of Australian privacy laws. It discusses the need for privacy law reform and addresses tracking tools issues.

WeChat to Crack Down on Fabricated Content Damaging Personal Reputation

WeChat Public Platform to deal with behaviors that damage reputation. Learn about the measures and violation cases. Less than 150 characters.

Microsoft's New Feature Under Investigation in UK

Microsoft's new Windows 11 Recall feature is being investigated. It captures laptop screens every few seconds, raising privacy concerns.

Tesla Rolls Out FSD v12.4 Update with Driver Monitoring Improvements

Tesla begins to push FSD v12.4 update, removes controversial reminder and improves driver monitoring, with details on how it works and privacy response.

Photos Appearing After iOS17.5 Update A Privacy Concern

After upgrading to iOS17.5, deleted photos reappear, seriously affecting privacy. Read more here.

Google Introduces AI Fraud Call Detection Feature for Android at I/O 2024

Google announced the introduction of AI fraud call detection feature for the Android system at the I/O 2024 developer conference, aiming to remind users of possible fraud behaviors during calls and enhance privacy.

Microsoft to Introduce AI Resource Manager in Win11 24H2 Update

Microsoft is set to launch the Win11 24H2 update with the highly anticipated AI Resource Manager feature in September or October, allowing users to record and browse all their computer actions with privacy in mind.

Microsoft Edge Browser Removes 'Following Creators' Feature to Protect User Privacy

Microsoft Edge browser has decided to remove the 'following creators' feature to address privacy concerns and protect user data. Find out more about the implications and alternatives in this article.