Microsoft Likely to Launch New

TapTechNews reported on May 14th that Microsoft is planning to hold an Xbox game showcase on June 9th, and the latest news suggests that Microsoft, Bethesda, and developer idSoftware may launch a new Doom game during the event.

Tom Warren, an editor at TheVerge, wrote a blog post titled Hoping for some new games to relieve the Doom around Xbox.

Another gaming media Eurogamer also heard similar rumors, and also believes that Microsoft will release a new Doom game at the Xbox showcase.

The media also mentioned that Bethesda applied for IDKFA in January this year, which is a well-known cheat code in the original Doom game that gives access to all weapons and keys.

TapTechNews Note: idSoftware rebooted the Doom series in 2016 and released a sequel, Doom Eternal, in 2020. Therefore, the studio may announce the release of a third Doom game continuing the story, which may be released in 2025.
