Douyin Cracks Down on Pornographic and Vulgar Black Industry Chain

TapTechNews May 29th news, today the Douyin Security Center released the Announcement on Combating the 'Pornographic and Vulgar Black Industry Chain' by Douyin Live.

The Douyin official stated that in order to effectively maintain a healthy online environment and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the vast number of netizens, it strengthens the governance of the online space in accordance with laws and regulations. Douyin Live has always been adhering to strict treatment of pornographic, vulgar, and borderline content, severely cracking down on all kinds of pornographic and vulgar behaviors, and firmly resisting behaviors that undermine the green and safe network.

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Reports show that since 2024, the Douyin Live platform has punished more than 2 million accounts involved in pornographic and vulgar behaviors, recovered the live broadcast rights of more than 80,000 accounts involved in soft porn, and recovered the live broadcast rights of more than 40,000 accounts indefinitely. A total of 9 related clues have been outputted, and several pornographic and vulgar illegal cases involving the police have been transferred, and a total of 11 suspects have been arrested.

Douyin stated that many accounts will divert traffic illegally to other platforms to spread pornographic videos, and suspected illegal means include:

Using sexy beauties, implicit topics, borderline places and other sexual suggestive elements to attract users to stay, and then divert users to a third-party platform to post pornographic information and provide pornographic services.

In the live broadcast room, normal entertainment interactive content is carried out, and users are guided to other social platforms on the pretext of maintaining fans, and then illegal links are spread in the social platform group later.

In addition, there are also black industry groups cheating to spread pornographic items, and the illegal means include:

A certain black industry group uses false offline promotion activities to attract users to sell accounts, which is used for pornographic promotion and illegal profit-making activities, and forms an industrial chain.

A certain black industry group uses illegal means to develop cheating software, records猎奇(video) in advance and replays it repeatedly in the live broadcast, and after accumulating popularity, shows the QR code in seconds to guide to pornographic software.

Douyin stated that there are also some accounts intentionally creating a sexual suggestive atmosphere and borderline violation, and the illegal means include:

Using local dialects to live broadcast vulgar pornographic content, or in the name of drama hypnosis, enacting sexual suggestive audio, and diverting to other social platforms to spread vulgar and revealing content, deliberately avoiding the platform's review.

A car sales host uses the excuse of showing the interior space and introducing the furnishings in the car to lie down and broadcast in the seat or trunk, deliberately creating a sexual suggestive vulgar atmosphere with the private space in the car.

Douyin emphasized that Douyin Live severely cracks down on all forms of illegal and non-compliant information dissemination, which not only encroaches on the spiritual world and property safety of the vast number of users, but also pollutes the clean and upright online environment. TapTechNews also wants to remind everyone here: Do not be blinded by pornographic content and lose your head, and be sure to be vigilant about behaviors that lead to third-party platforms, so as not to fall into the trap of illegal elements.

The Douyin official stated that the dissemination of pornographic and vulgar content in a concealed form cannot escape the platform's crackdown on illegal and non-compliant behaviors. Douyin Live continues to dig deep into the new variants of borderline, and continuously strengthens the platform's identification, discrimination and protection to ensure the accurate governance of such non-compliant behaviors and protect the rights and interests of users.

For those who implement the above behaviors in violation of community norms, Douyin will recover the live broadcast rights indefinitely and make public announcements and notifications for some of them, and the relevant guilds will be warned and publicly notified, their rights and interests will be frozen until they are expelled, and at the same time, they will be reported to the relevant departments in accordance with the specific situation and in accordance with laws and regulations.
