Huawei, ZTE and Others Win China Mobile Satellite Project

TapTechNews June 11th news, according to the announcement of China Mobile on June 7, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., ZTE Corporation and Galaxy Aerospace (Xi'an) Technology Co., Ltd. won the bid for the China Mobile experimental satellite trial production project, but the specific funds are unknown.

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The website of China Mobile Procurement and Bidding shows that the purchaser of this project is the Research Institute of China Mobile Communications Corporation, and the project funds are raised by the purchaser and have been implemented. According to the division of标段 packages and shares, this project is divided into three procurement packages, which are summarized by TapTechNews as follows:

Procurement Package 1 - Trial production and supporting services procurement of China Mobile transparent relay experimental satellite: Provide the trial production of China Mobile transparent relay experimental satellite and related services according to the technical specification requirements.

Procurement Package 2 - Prototype machine and supporting services procurement of China Mobile transparent relay experimental satellite coordinated base station: Provide the development and testing, etc. of China Mobile transparent relay experimental satellite coordinated base station according to the technical specification requirements.

Procurement Package 3 - Trial production and supporting services procurement of China Mobile regenerative experimental satellite: Provide the trial production of China Mobile regenerative experimental satellite and related services according to the technical specification requirements.
