AI Unicorn Enterprises on the Rise

TapTechNews June 7th. According to the Nikkei and research firm CBInsights, as of the end of April this year, there are 37 unicorn enterprises in the field of generative AI. Compared with 20 at the end of April last year, the number of AI unicorn has almost doubled in the past year, and the trend of targeting the next-generation potential technology is pushing up enterprise valuations.

TapTechNews note: A unicorn refers to an unlisted enterprise with a valuation of more than 1 billion US dollars.

As of the end of April 2023, US enterprises still account for 90% of the share of AI unicorn enterprises, and among the 17 new enterprises in the past year, 10 have their main bases located outside the US.

In China, 5 unicorn enterprises have been added in the past year, including Dark Side of the Moon, MiniMax, 01 Everything, Baichuan Intelligence, and Zhipu AI, and these enterprises have all received investments from the Alibaba Group.

Specifically, among the 17 newly born unicorn enterprises in the past year, Nvidia has invested in 7 enterprises such as Cohere (Canada), and Google's parent company Alphabet has invested in 4 enterprises such as Runway (US) involved in the video generation field.

It is reported that tech giants are considered to hope to obtain new technologies and talents to enrich their services by investing in AI unicorn enterprises. In March this year, Microsoft had poached top talents from InflectionAI, an investment target, and the British antitrust authority is investigating the impact of this move on the competitive environment.
