China's Satellite Navigation and Positioning Service Industry Report

TapTechNews May 18th news, the China Association of Satellite Navigation and Positioning today released the 2024 White Paper on the Development of China's Satellite Navigation and Positioning Service Industry (hereinafter referred to as the White Paper by TapTechNews).

The White Paper shows that in 2023, the overall output value of China's satellite navigation and positioning service industry reached 536.2 billion Chinese yuan, an increase of 7.09% year-on-year.

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It is introduced that 2024 is the 13th consecutive year that the China Association of Satellite Navigation and Positioning has publicly released the White Paper. The White Paper is an overall research and summary of the current situation and prospects of the development of China's satellite navigation and positioning service industry.

In 2024, the White Paper collected and studied the comprehensive situation of industrial development and survey statistics in 2023, sorted out the major developments in the industry throughout the year, introduced the comprehensive status of the industry from aspects such as regional development, market development, industrial chain development, and intellectual property rights development, and summarized and concluded the new situation, new characteristics, and new focuses of the annual industrial development.

Data shows that by the end of 2023, the total number of enterprises and institutions related to the field of satellite navigation and positioning services in China has approached 20,000, and the cumulative total number of satellite navigation patent applications has exceeded 119,000, an increase of 4.84% year-on-year, and continues to maintain the global lead.

The China Association of Satellite Navigation and Positioning said that currently, the supply chain of Beidou basic products is stable, and a series of basic products such as chips, modules, and antennas are continuously iterated and upgraded, and the cost performance continues to increase, and it has achieved an output scale of hundreds of millions, which strongly supports the safe and stable development of the independent industrial chain and supply chain.
