Samsung and Arm to Collaborate on 6G Technology

TapTechNews May 21st news, Samsung today released a press release announcing a collaboration with Arm to jointly study the parallel data packet processing technology (SIMD, Single Instruction Multiple Data), which is one of the key software technologies for 6G mobile communication networks.

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The Samsung Research Institute plans to launch an open-source project in collaboration with Arm to jointly develop and improve the parallel data packet processing technology. Due to the huge amount of communication data processed by this technology, the cooperation between Samsung and Arm aims to significantly accelerate the R & D progress to meet the data surge brought by the 6G environment.

TapTechNews note: 6G will provide a speed of approximately 1 TB per second (equivalent to transferring 30 Blu-ray movies per second). In order to process such a huge amount of data, new software must be invented. And this is exactly the problem that the Samsung Research Institute and Arm are working hard to solve.

Jinguk Jeong, Executive Vice President of the Advanced Communication Research Center (ACRC) of the Samsung Research Institute, said:

In 6G communication, the importance of software technology is increasing day by day. Innovation is crucial for handling the massive amount of data resulting from it. The technical cooperation with Arm is an important step towards a revolution in parallel technology.

Mohamed Awad, Senior Vice President and General Manager of the Infrastructure Business Line of Arm, said:

Artificial intelligence is driving the demand for next-generation technologies such as 6G, but the difficult-to-meet amount of data creates an important need for high-energy-efficiency processing.

We are leveraging our expertise in high performance, low power consumption and flexible computing to collaborate with the Samsung Research Institute to accelerate 6G software development and make the artificial intelligence infrastructure run as efficiently as possible.
