Microsoft Introduces New Regex Functions in Excel

TapTechNews May 21st news, Microsoft Corporation released a press release today, inviting members of the Microsoft 365 Insider program to test the REGEXTEST, REGEXEXTRACT, and REGEXREPLACE three functions newly introduced in Excel.

Microsoft Introduces New Regex Functions in Excel_0

Microsoft has introduced new regular expression (Regex) functions in the Excel beta version. A regular expression is a sequence of characters that defines a search pattern and is often used in string search and text parsing. Regular expressions have very wide uses and are usually used to check whether a string contains a specific pattern, extract substrings that match the pattern, or replace substrings that match the pattern.

Microsoft has introduced three Regex functions this time, and TapTechNews attaches the function briefs as follows:

REGEXTEST: Checks whether any part of the provided text matches the regex pattern.

Microsoft Introduces New Regex Functions in Excel_1

REGEXEXTRACT: Extracts one or more parts that match the regex pattern in the provided text.

Microsoft Introduces New Regex Functions in Excel_2

REGEXREPLACE: Searches for the regex pattern in the provided text and replaces it with different text.

Microsoft Introduces New Regex Functions in Excel_3
