China's New Energy Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Development and EU's Anti-Subsidy Investigation Response

TapTechNews June 18th news, Li Chao, a spokesperson of the National Development and Reform Commission, said at today's press conference that the charging infrastructure for new energy vehicles is an important transportation-energy integration infrastructure for serving and ensuring people's livelihood, and also an important support for promoting the consumption and industrial development of new energy vehicles. Since the State Council办公厅 issued the 'Guiding Opinions on Further Constructing a High-Quality Charging Infrastructure System' in June last year, the National Development and Reform Commission has worked with relevant parties to implement it well and has promoted the rapid development of China's charging infrastructure.

As of the end of May this year, The total number of charging infrastructure nationwide has reached 9.92 million units, with a year-on-year increase of 56%. Among them, the public and private charging facilities have reached 3.05 million and 6.87 million units respectively, with growth rates of 46% and 61% respectively. China has built the charging infrastructure system with the largest quantity, widest service range and most complete variety types in the world.

As of the end of last year, the number of new energy vehicles in the country exceeded 20 million, among which the number of pure electric vehicles was 15.52 million, accounting for more than 76%; Looking into the future, considering all aspects, consumers' demand for new energy vehicles in China will continue to rise, and new energy vehicles, especially electric vehicles, will still maintain a relatively high rate of growth, which also greatly boosts the demand for charging infrastructure construction.

In order to better meet the production and living needs of the people, and further address the problems existing in the layout, structure, service and operation of the charging infrastructure, the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration, in conjunction with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Ministry of Transport and other relevant parties, will focus on four aspects of work in the near future.

Firstly, optimize and improve the network layout. In terms of intercity, the key is to accelerate the construction of charging and swapping infrastructure along highways. This year, the country plans to add 3,000 charging piles in highway service areas and 5,000 charging parking spaces. In terms of cities, the focus is to promote the construction and transformation of community charging facilities in combination with urban physical examination, the transformation of old urban residential areas, and the construction of complete community pilot projects. In terms of county-rural areas, more efforts will be made to support the construction of charging infrastructure in rural areas, and it is organized to build demonstration counties and towns for the construction and application of charging infrastructure, and carry out the pilot work of filling the short board of charging and swapping facilities in county areas, and it is organized to carry out the coordinated charging and swapping services to the countryside in the 2024 new energy vehicle to the countryside activities.

Secondly, enhance the level of operation and service. Accelerate the construction of the national charging facility monitoring service platform, improve the 'easy to check' information service of high-speed charging infrastructure, and increase the service guarantee efforts during major holidays for highway travel charging.

Thirdly, strengthen the guidance of scientific and technological innovation. Accelerate the promotion and application of intelligent charging facilities and encourage the application of new technologies and innovations. Issue the implementation opinions on strengthen ing the integration and interaction between new energy vehicles and the power grid, promote the research and development of key technologies of vehicle-grid interaction, explore the application pilot of two-way charging and discharging.

Fourthly, increase the support and guarantee efforts. Strengthen the construction and transformation of the distribution network, implement and improve the peak-valley time-of-day electricity price policy, and increase the support in terms of land use and financing.

TapTechNews noted that the National Development and Reform Commission also responded to 'the EU's anti-subsidy investigation on electric vehicles imported from China':

On June 12, the European Commission released the initial disclosure of the anti-subsidy investigation on electric vehicles imported from China, and proposed to levy a provisional anti-subsidy tax on imported electric vehicles from China. This investigation ignores the facts, disregards the rules and presupposes the result. In fact, it weaponizes and politicizes the investigation work, and undermines fair competition in the name of fair competition. We firmly oppose to this. Fully proved by practice, the short-sighted trade protectionism has no way out, and the delicate flowers in the greenhouse cannot stand the wind and rain.

If the EU levies tariffs on imported electric vehicles from China, it will not only damage the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises, but also prevent the long-term and healthy development of EU enterprises, and will also disrupt and distort the global automotive industry chain and supply chain including the EU; It will not only damage the interests of EU consumers themselves and aggravate the EU's external dependence on fossil fuels, but also undermine the EU's own green and low-carbon transformation process and the global efforts to combat climate change.

China actively supports the fair participation of automotive enterprises from all countries in the competition and safeguarding the stability of the global automotive industry chain and supply chain. We hope that the EU side will think twice, respect the basic economic laws and WTO rules, listen to the appeals of the EU industry, correct the wrong practices, and return to the right path of opening up, cooperation and green development as soon as possible.
