LTPO OLED Screen Shipments to Surge for Smartphones by 2031 in the US

TapTechNews August 9th news, the market research organization Omdia released a report yesterday (August 8th), estimating that by 2031, the shipment of LTPO (Low Temperature Polycrystalline Oxide) OLED screens for smartphones will increase to 520 million pieces.

LTPO OLED Screen Shipments to Surge for Smartphones by 2031 in the US_0

The agency estimates that in 2031, the market share of LTPO in the shipment of OLED displays for smartphones is expected to reach 52.0%, exceeding that of LTPS (Low Temperature PolySilicon) OLED.

TapTechNews cites the agency's estimation that the shipment of OLED screens for smartphones will exceed 800 million pieces in 2024, with a year-on-year growth rate of 28.8%, and estimates that it will exceed 1 billion pieces by 2031. The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of LTPS OLED shipments is expected to be approximately -1.0%, while the compound annual growth rate of LTPO OLED shipments is expected to be approximately 8.0%.

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Before 2020, almost all OLED displays used for smartphones adopted LTPS driving circuits.

After Samsung Electronics first applied LTPO driving circuits to the OLED display of the Galaxy Note20 Ultra (2020), LTPO OLED has been adopted by many flagship smartphones such as Apple iPhone 13 Pro/Pro Max (2021), Google Pixel 7 Pro (2022), Motorola Razr (2023), and Huawei Mate X5 (2024).

In addition, the application of LTPO OLED is expanding from smartphones to smart watches and tablets, prompting panel manufacturers to develop various types of LTPO driving circuits for the characteristics of different OLED products.
