Ara History Untold - A New 4X Historical Strategy Game

TapTechNews June 13th news, Ara: History Untold, a 4X historical strategy game developed by OxideGames and published by Microsoft Xbox Game Studios, officially announced it will be released on September 25th on the Microsoft Store and Steam platforms, and will be available on PC Game Pass on the first day.

4X refers to a system concept in strategy games, named after 4 English words that all start with 'ex'.

eXplore (Explore): Dispatch scouts across the game map to explore the surrounding territory.

eXpand (Expand): Establish new settlements or increase the influence of the original settlements to expand the territory.

eXploit (Develop): Develop and make good use of the resources in the territory.

eXterminate (Conquer): Attack and conquer other competitors.

TapTechNews note: OxideGames is an American video game developer, and this team is composed of members of the Firaxis team that is responsible for the Civilization series.

The game is introduced as follows:

Build a nation, lead your people to expand territories, develop art and culture, use diplomatic means, and compete against other forces. Through the long history, become the brightest pearl of human civilization and prove that you are the greatest ruler ever. History is up to you to write.

Ara: History Untold is an innovative work of large-scale historical strategy games. The game adopts the beloved classic PC strategic mechanism and innovative gameplay, such as the national manufacturing economy, true synchronous turn-based decision-making, nonlinear technology tree, and cloud-supported synchronous/asynchronous multiplayer games. All these are presented in a vast and vibrant form. You can zoom out the scene to see the entire territory of the empire, and you can also zoom in enough to observe the daily life of the people.

In Ara: History Untold, there is no preset path to victory, but instead there are endless possibilities. Your choices will determine the world you create, your gaming experience, and your heritage.

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