Spotify to Launch HiFi Service with Additional Charge

TapTechNews June 13th, Bloomberg reported that Spotify is preparing to launch a premium add-on service that offers access to high-fidelity audio (HiFi), with an additional charge of $5 (currently about 36 RMB), and will come with tools to help users create playlists and manage their music libraries.

According to a previous report by TapTechNews, Spotify announced in early June a price increase for the US member subscription, which is the second price increase in the past year. The monthly fee for individual premium members has risen from $10.99 (about 80 RMB) to $11.99 (about 87 RMB), and the price has exceeded that of the main competitor AppleMusic (individual package $10.99).

Spotify initially stated that its HiFi audio feature would be launched in 2021, but ultimately the plan was postponed and has not been launched yet. After an additional charge of $5, the total fee will increase to $16.99 per month (currently about 123 RMB), the same as the family package price of AppleMusic.

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