Live Streaming Promoted 'Hong Kong Mei Cheng Mooncakes' Faces False Publicity Issue in China

TapTechNews September 17th news, on the eve of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the "Hong Kong Mei Cheng mooncakes" strongly promoted by Little Yang Ge and the anchors under Sanzhiyang has attracted attention due to false publicity. Today, the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Hefei High-tech Zone, Anhui released a situation report:

Recently, the "Hong Kong Mei Cheng mooncakes" carried out by the live streaming of Sanzhiyang Network Technology Co., Ltd. has attracted attention. Regarding the behavior of "misleading consumers" suspected in the live streaming of Sanzhiyang Network Technology Co., Ltd., a case has been filed for investigation, and it will be dealt with in accordance with the investigation results in accordance with laws and regulations.

Live Streaming Promoted Hong Kong Mei Cheng Mooncakes' Faces False Publicity Issue in China_0

In the live streaming, "Crazy Little Yang Ge" and its anchors used words such as "Hong Kong Mei Cheng", "big brand", "high-end brand", and "Hong Kong Mei Cheng you buy for more than 200 yuan offline" when recommending this mooncake in the live streaming, aiming to tell customers that this is an "imported" high-end mooncake.

But then the problem came. Some Hong Kong netizens reported that they had never heard of Mei Cheng mooncakes (TapTechNews note: another famous Hong Kong brand is Maxim's mooncakes), and the related content could not be found on the largest online shopping platform HKTVmall in Hong Kong. Subsequent investigations found that the brand operator is a Guangzhou company (registered and established in Hong Kong in 2019), and many agents all said that "this company has no stores in Hong Kong", and the places of production are basically Guangzhou and Foshan.

With the fermentation of public opinion, many details such as the place of production and quality of Mei Cheng mooncakes have been successively questioned. Affected by this, the sales of Mei Cheng mooncakes in the live streaming rooms under "Sanzhiyang" stopped on the evening of September 14 and the comments were closed.

According to the third-party data platform, in terms of sales, in the past month, the sales of the Mei Cheng Li brand on Douyin is about 50-75 million yuan, and in the past 30 days, the top 3 sales of the talents who carried goods for it are all Sanzhiyang anchor accounts, namely Zui Ge, Eric Tsang, and Sanzhiyang Network, among which Sanzhiyang carried goods for 1-2.5 million yuan.

Related reading:

"The live streaming room of Making Friends responded to the "Hong Kong Mei Cheng mooncakes" compensation issue: complete the "prior compensation" as soon as possible after the festival."
