Apple Gets New Patent for Wi-Fi Hotspot Network Tags

TapTechNews July 17th news, according to the latest list publicly disclosed by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), Apple has obtained a new patent, introducing network tags in Wi-Fi hotspots, which may be equipped in systems such as iOS, iPadOS, and macOS in the future.

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According to the patent description, Apple plans to introduce tags in the Wi-Fi hotspot page, so that users will be safer when choosing to access an unknown network.

Apple uses crowdsourced data to draw a map of Wi-Fi access points and marks the reliability and security of each nearby network based on user feedback.

Ordinary users can see high-quality, popular, protected, suspicious, etc. tags when trying to access an unknown Wi-Fi hotspot, thereby improving the security of the connection. TapTechNews attaches the relevant patent sketches as follows:

Apple Gets New Patent for Wi-Fi Hotspot Network Tags_1

Apple clearly stated in the patent that in the process of collecting anonymous data of the Wi-Fi hotspots connected by users, it will not share personal information or exact location. These data will be sent to Apple's server to create a detailed access point location map and network performance indicators.

VIA: macobserver
