FDA Approves Neuralink's brain chip implant for second patient

TapTechNews May 20th news, according to the Wall Street Journal report on May 20th, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Elon Musk's Neuralink company to implant a brain chip for the second patient and has also approved the repair plan proposed by the company for the problems that occurred in the first subject.

FDA Approves Neuralinks brain chip implant for second patient_0

According to informed sources, after the FDA's approval, Neuralink now hopes to implant the chip in the brain of the second subject sometime in June. Neuralink aims to implant chips in 10 people this year and hopes to have different subjects participate to study various behaviors. In addition, Neuralink hopes to submit applications to regulatory agencies in Canada and the UK in the coming months to conduct similar trials.

TapTechNews noted that Reuters reported last week citing sources that Neuralink disclosed that the first patient had a loosening problem after the chip was implanted, and the company actually knew about this problem long ago. According to the Wall Street Journal report, to solve this problem, Neuralink will implant some thinner probes in a deeper position.

Related reading:

Elon Musk Announces the Start of Recruitment for the Second Patient in the Brain-Computer Interface Trial, and the First Implanter Achieves Mind Control of the Computer
