Tencent to Upgrade Video Account Store to WeChat Store on August 25th

TapTechNews August 13th news, Tencent officially released the Notice of Upgrading Video Account Store to WeChat Store - notice for soliciting opinions recently. In order to further improve the user service experience and the business operation efficiency, and provide better technical service support for businesses, Tencent plans to officially support businesses to upgrade Video Account Store to WeChat Store starting from August 25th.

The WeChat Store will further simplify the merchant settlement process, upgrade the brand certification and store naming system, reduce the settlement threshold and deposit, and support the circulation of store and product information in public accounts (subscription accounts, service accounts), video accounts (live broadcasts, short videos), mini-programs, and search and other multiple WeChat scenarios.

Based on this, Tencent officially recommends that existing Video Account Store merchants upgrade their stores to WeChat Store before September 25th. For Video Account Stores that are not upgraded in time, the listing of new products will be affected. Tencent also provides a convenient channel for store upgrades, and merchants can quickly upgrade Video Account Store to WeChat Store by沿用 the previous qualifications.

In addition, except as otherwise provided, the relevant rules that have been previously released and effective and applicable to Video Account Store and Video Account showcase merchants will also apply to the upgraded WeChat Store simultaneously. The Video Account Store service will stop accepting new applications starting from August 25th.

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TapTechNews found out through inquiry that the Video Account Store is a technical service provided by the WeChat Video Account team for businesses to provide product capabilities such as product information display and product transactions, and fully supports businesses to open stores and operate in the WeChat Video Account scenario. Currently, one video account can only apply for one Video Account Store, and can conduct live streaming with goods, short video with goods, etc.

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