Taobao Live Launches Fully-Managed Service for Entrepreneurs

TaapTechNews reports on June 5 that Taobao Live today officially announced the launch of a fully-managed live streaming service for entrepreneurs.

According to Taobao Live officials, this service not only has no thresholds. As long as it is a CEO who intends to endorse their own enterprise, they can start live streaming on Taobao. Taobao Live will also provide a one-stop service from the merchandise inventory to the live streaming room operation, and the internal code name for this project is 'The Courageous CEO'.

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It is known that as early as February this year, Taobao established a live e-commerce company to provide a six-month fully-managed operation service for the celebrities, KOLs (Key Opinion Leaders), and MCNs (Multi-Channel Network Agencies) who intended to start live streaming on Taobao. During this year's 618 period, many celebrities adopted this kind of managed model to enter Taobao for live streaming and带货.

In recent years, entrepreneurs represented by Lei Jun from Xiaomi and Yu Chengdong from Huawei have their own 'built-in' traffic, making some entrepreneurs imitate one after another and rushing to the public front to create an 'entrepreneur IP' to market their own enterprises. Earlier entrepreneurs who entered Taobao include Yu Minhong, Luo Yonghao, Zhang Lan, and Li Guoqing. The more recent popular entrepreneur is Lin Sheng, the founder of Zhong Xue Gao, who uses live streaming to repay the salaries owed to employees and the payments owed to suppliers, and even updates the number of owed employees in real time in the live streaming room.

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According to Taobao's official account, the fully-managed live streaming service launched for entrepreneurs will provide enterprises with resource support in six aspects:

The whole cycle planning for the CEO to start live streaming on Taobao

Traffic support for cold start of the account

The official guaranteed service for the selection of merchandises

The commission profit-sharing cooperation

The provision of场地 and equipment support

The covered all-network communication and publicity resources

TaapTechNews noticed that the JD platform is also vigorously developing live streaming and带货, and even launched Liu Qiangdong's AI digital human 'Sales and Purchasing Dongge' in April this year, with the viewership of the live streaming room exceeding 20 million in less than 1 hour.

Zhang Yong, the CEO of Nezha Auto, also recently posted, expressing that 'I heard a cold joke and felt deep recently: everyone stopped starting a business and all went to do entrepreneur IP', and said 'Doing IP is a compulsory course for enterprises, more approachable and more efficient in communication; some entrepreneurs may not necessarily be suitable for doing IP'.

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