US Plans to Propose Ban on Chinese Software in Self-Driving Cars

TapTechNews August 5th news, according to Reuters, the US government plans to propose a ban on the use of Chinese software in self-driving cars within the next few weeks.

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Reports citing unnamed sources said that the Biden administration plans to propose a new rule prohibiting vehicles with L3 and above self-driving systems from using Chinese software, which will effectively also prohibit Chinese self-owned brand cars from conducting road tests in the US. The report said this is out of considerations for national security, and the US government is worried that smart cars using Chinese software may collect sensitive data about US citizens and infrastructure and transmit it back to China.

In addition, the US also plans to ban cars from carrying advanced wireless communication systems developed by China. The proposal requires automakers and suppliers to ensure that all their connected vehicles and advanced self-driving car software have not been developed in Foreign Entity of Concern such as China.

A spokesperson for the US Department of Commerce said that the department is concerned about national security risks associated with connected technologies in connected cars.

TapTechNews noted that the US has imposed a tariff of more than 100% on Chinese-made electric vehicles, and the Biden administration's Clean Energy Act has also made it more difficult for automakers to use batteries produced in China. This restrictive measure against Chinese self-driving software further shows the US's vigilance and suppression against Chinese technology.
