Apple Modifies AppStore Strategy; UTM Emulator Denied Listing

TapTechNews June 9th. In April this year, Apple modified the AppStore application listing strategy on the iOS platform, allowing developers to distribute game emulator applications, but the relevant strategy is not suitable for PC emulators.

The official X platform account of UTM emulator revealed today that Apple's AppStore has refused their iOS version application listing request, and the reason for the refusal is that PC is not a game console, and Apple is said to also prevent this application from being listed in third-party app stores in the European Union.

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UTM emulator also said that since Apple does not allow related applications to use the JIT compiler, even if this emulator is listed on the AppStore, the performance of simulating PC will also be severely damaged, but considering that Apple didn't even think about approving this application for listing, so the developers think they have not worth fighting for.

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However, TapTechNews noted that users can still use Xcode to manually compile and install this application, or deploy it through sideloading, while users of macOS can download the desktop version of this application in the AppStore (click here to visit).
