Tencent and Huawei Collaborate on WeChat's Adaptation to Hongmeng System

TapTechNews June 22nd news, TapTechNews learned today from the official account of Tencent customer service intelligent assistant:

WeChat is currently conducting development adaptation and technical communication work with Huawei for the native Hongmeng operating system. Due to differences in volume and function, the adaptation cycle and progress of different products are different. Please wait patiently and thank you for your attention.

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Tencent previously stated that the company has been actively communicating with Huawei to promote product adaptation to the Hongmeng system. In addition to the known Tencent Video, Tencent News, QQ Browser, Sogou Input Method, Self-selected Stocks, QQ Music, Kugou Music, Kuwo Music, National K Song, Lazy Listening Book, and Qidian Reading, many of Tencent's products are under development adaptation work for the Hongmeng system.

Tencent also stated that because the Hongmeng system adopts a brand-new development language, the adaptation is more difficult. At the same time, due to differences in volume and function, the adaptation cycle of different products is different. We will work together with Huawei to promote, and hope to ensure your smooth, safe and stable transition to the new system as soon as possible. At the same time, the development of the new version will not affect the use of Tencent's products by existing Huawei mobile phone users.

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Yesterday in the HDC 2024 keynote speech, Huawei's Yu Chengdong also revealed that the native Hongmeng application has entered the all-out sprint stage, all TOP5000 applications have been started, meeting 99.9% of the user usage time, more than 1500 have been completed and put on the shelves, and 18 fields are fully covered.

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