OpenAI's CEO Sam Altman's 27-Million-Dollar San Francisco Luxury Home Has Quality Issues

TapTechNews July 17th news, according to the report of The San Francisco Standard, the San Francisco luxury home that OpenAI's CEO Sam Altman purchased at a cost of 27 million US dollars (TapTechNews note: currently about 197 million Chinese yuan) is suspected to have serious quality problems. Altman has sued the developer, claiming that the house has widespread shoddy workmanship and corner-cutting problems.

OpenAIs CEO Sam Altman's 27-Million-Dollar San Francisco Luxury Home Has Quality Issues_0

This 9,500-square-foot (about 882.58 square meters) luxury home is located on San Francisco's famous Lombard Street, overlooking the city and the bay. The interior of the luxury home is luxuriously furnished, including a four-sided infinity pool, a Batcave garage, and a system that uses recycled rainwater to irrigate gardens and flush toilets. However, this luxury home doesn't seem to be as perfect as it appears on the surface.

Altman's legal team filed a lawsuit in the San Francisco court last week, accusing the real estate developer TroonPacific of false advertising of the highest quality of the property in order to sell the property as soon as possible. The plaintiff also accused the developer of failing to hire qualified contractors, and some of them retaliated by filling garbage bags and debris in the drainage and sewer pipes.

The lawsuit stated that due to shoddy workmanship, the pool leaked and flooded the ground floor of the house last August, resulting in the collapse of the plaster ceiling in this area and a large amount of mold growth. Altman's legal team estimates that the cost of repairing the pool may exceed 4 million US dollars, not including other problems such as unconnected bathroom sewer pipes causing sewage to gush on the ground, a large number of leaking irrigation pipes, leaks in the skylight, etc.

Altman is not the only one dissatisfied with TroonPacific's work. In May this year, the developer was ordered to repay 50 million US dollars to investors after the company failed to complete a San Francisco housing renovation project and was also alleged to have embezzled millions of dollars.

Currently, Altman may have to endure some inconveniences of the house and wait for the lawsuit result. Maybe he can seek some solutions to problems from ChatGPT.
