How to Construct a Suitable Main Subject in Photography

Sometimes a good scene doesn't result in a satisfactory photo, looking rather empty and dull, which is very likely due to the lack of a main subject.

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A proper main subject can play the role of 'finishing touch' and make the whole photo come alive instantly and create a sense of interaction. So how should we effectively construct a suitable main subject for the picture?

1.  Composition

Generally speaking, the main subject should be relatively prominent in the picture. So when composing, we can place the main subject in an important position. For example, for a simple style picture, we can place the main subject in the center or on the rule of thirds;

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For a more complex picture, we can use leading lines to guide the line of sight and highlight the presence of the main subject.

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In addition to the position, when composing, we should also consider the size ratio of the main subject. If the main subject takes up a large proportion, we can place the more important parts of the main subject, such as the hands, eyes, etc. at the visual center;

If the main subject is smaller, we can use various contrasts, such as light and dark contrast, color contrast, etc. to enhance the presence.

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2.  Focus on People

Whether it's landscape or humanistic themes, people are suitable as the main subject in the picture. If we can't find a suitable main subject, we can pay more attention to the people in the scene and include them in the picture.

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We can also pay more attention to people's activities. People's expressions, actions, clothes, etc. all have strong cultural attributes. These elements can often give the picture a deeper meaning; in addition, some elements related to people, such as the shadow of people, the smoke exhaled by people, etc. can also reflect the existence and activities of people from the side, and are also very suitable to appear as the main element in the picture.

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3.  Contrast

Elements that can form a sense of contrast with the surrounding environment are also very suitable as the main subject of the picture. Under the contrast, the visual impact and meaning of the photo will be more profound:

Color contrast can not only enhance the ornamental, but also strengthen the photo thought by borrowing the cultural meaning behind the color;

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Light and shadow contrast is very suitable for highlighting the main subject and constructing a minimalist style;

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Size contrast is also a method that is often used. A small main subject can strengthen the sense of vastness of the environment and also increase the interest of the photo;

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Virtual and real contrast can enhance the three-dimensional sense of the picture and also reflect the focus of the photographer, which is very suitable for multi-subject and complex scenes.

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This article comes from the WeChat public account: Play Some Photography (ID: wakexiao), author: AGER
