Google Updates PixelWatch with New Safety Features and More

TapTechNews June 12th news, Google today brought a series of security feature upgrades for the PixelWatch series of smartwatches, among which the PixelWatch2 added a crash detection function, and the fall detection functions of both generations of models are more accurate.

 Google Updates PixelWatch with New Safety Features and More_0

TapTechNews noticed that the crash detection function has been available on Pixel phones since 2019, and now this function will be applied to the PixelWatch2 in a similar way. When the watch detects that the user has suffered a serious car accident, a prompt will appear on the screen asking if the user is okay. If the user does not respond, the watch will automatically call the emergency rescue number, and the user's emergency contact will also receive a notification including the user's real-time location.

The fall detection function has previously landed on the PixelWatch series, but this update has been optimized for bicycle users. Although Google did not disclose too many details, it is speculated that its recognition algorithm has been adjusted to be able to more accurately distinguish falls when walking and crashes when cycling.

Google's update this time can be said to be catching up. Apple added the fall detection function for cycling as early as the watchOS8 system in 2021 and introduced crash detection in the AppleWatchSeries8 in 2022. But this is understandable, after all, the PixelWatch was only released in 2022. More importantly, through these updates, Google is narrowing the functional gap between Android smartwatches and AppleWatch , for example, the crash detection function has not yet appeared on any WearOS smartwatches.

It should be noted that there are some limitations for these safety features. Users need to enable location services, enable LTE service or connect to the network through the phone. In addition, the fall detection function is not currently available in all regions.

This month's Pixel update is not limited to security functions. Both generations of PixelWatch have added support for PayPal in GoogleWallet, and all WearOS3 smartwatches can now use the improved GoogleHome application, which has added complex functions and information cards.
