Oracle Announces Launch of HeatWave GenAI with Advanced Features

TapTechNewsJuly 2nd, Oracle Corporation announced the official launch of HeatWave GenAI, which includes a large language model within the database, automated in-database vector storage, scalable vector processing, and the ability to have natural language context conversations based on unstructured content.

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HeatWave is a cloud technology service that provides automated and integrated generative AI and machine learning for transaction and lakehouse-scale analytics in a single product. (TapTechNews note: Lakehouse is a new data architecture).

These new features enable customers to apply the power of generative AI to their customer data without the need for AI expertise and without having to move the data to a separate vector database. HeatWave GenAI will be available immediately and at no additional cost to HeatWave customers.

The newly launched automated and built-in generative AI functions include:

A large language model within the database: simplifies the development of generative AI applications and is more cost-effective.

Automated in-database vector storage: supports customers to combine generative AI with business documents without having to move the data to a separate vector database and without the need for AI expertise.

Scalable vector processing: provides semantic search results with high efficiency and high accuracy.

HeatWave Chat: It is a VisualCode plug-in of the MySQL Shell and provides a graphical interface that allows developers to ask questions using natural language or SQL.

Oracle said that developers can use the built-in embedding model to create vector storage for enterprise unstructured content through a single SQL command; users can perform natural language search in a single step using in-database or external LLM; data does not have to leave the database and because HeatWave has a huge scale and super-high performance, users do not need to provision GPUs.
