Apple Announces iOS18 Update and More Charging Options for iPhone15/Pro

TapTechNews June 11th news, Apple officially announced the iOS18 system update in the WWDC24 developer conference today and released the first developer preview version.

TapTechNews buddies found through experience that iOS18 introduces more charging limit options in the iPhone15/Pro series models: 85%, 90% and 95%, and users can adjust the charging upper limit through the slider control.

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The iPhone15/Pro series previously only had a charging option limited to 80%, which allows the iPhone to charge up to 80% at most to protect the battery.

However, the charging limit function is still a unique function of the iPhone15/Pro series, and this option is not available on the iPhone14Pro or earlier versions.

Apple today pushed the iOS18 developer preview version Beta update (internal version number: 22A5282m) to iPhone users, and the public beta version will be released next month, and all systems will be pushed to users this autumn.

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Apple WWDC24 Developer Conference Keynote Special
