Apple Releases 2nd Annual App Store Transparency Report

TapTechNews May 18th, Apple today released the 2nd annual App Store Transparency Report, highlighting detailed information such as the number of applications rejected last year, the number of deactivated customer and developer accounts, and the number of applications removed from the App Store.

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The report states that in 2023, the App Store reviewed a total of 6,892,500 applications, of which 1,763,812 were rejected, mainly due to performance, design, and legal reasons, and 277,923 applications went live after being modified after being rejected.

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Apple removed 116,117 applications in 2023, and the most removed categories included Utilities, Games, and Business. 76,887 applications were removed for violating Guideline 4.0 on design, and 35,245 applications were removed for violating the App Store rule against fraud.

On average, there were 398,499.012 customer accounts searching the App Store every week, and at least 166,360 applications appeared in the top 10 of 1,000 search results every week.

As Apple said earlier this week, it terminated 373,739,771 customer accounts and blocked approximately $1,838,127,451 in fraudulent transactions.

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