Canada Invests 120 Million CAD in FABrIC Network Project for Semiconductor Development

TapTechNews July 9th news, on July 4th this month, the Canadian government announced an investment of CAD 120 million (TapTechNews note: currently about 640 million RMB) through the Strategic Innovation Fund in the FABrIC network project led by the non-profit organization CMC Microsystems to support the country's semiconductor manufacturing and commercialization.

FABrIC, short for Fabrication of Integrated Components for the Internet's Edge, the project lasts for five years with a total investment scale of more than CAD 220 million (currently about 1.174 billion RMB).

The FABrIC network aims to gather various domestic stakeholders in Canada, and further consolidate Canada's position in the semiconductor and smart sensor industries by creating a pool of high-quality talents and encouraging innovation in semiconductor manufacturing processes.

The FABrIC network project will create nearly 325 high-skilled jobs across Canada and will bring about 440 jobs during the implementation period.

Canada Invests 120 Million CAD in FABrIC Network Project for Semiconductor Development_0

Canada's Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, François-Philippe Champagne, said:

Semiconductors are at the heart of Canadians' daily lives and the Canadian economy. We have an innovative semiconductor industry that continues to thrive in the global market and takes full advantage of an increasingly digital and green economy.

Creating FABrIC through CMC will help support Canadian innovators, and I look forward to seeing how it expands our semiconductor industry while creating good jobs.

Today, when we invest in semiconductors, we are investing in the economic security and sustainable development of all Canadians.
