GAC Aion Deals with Rumors, Updates on Sales and New Models

GAC Aion officials released a statement at 22:28 on June 12:

Recently, there have been some untrue information and malicious rumors on the online platform about GAC Aion's 'layoffs' and 'intense cancellations with fresh graduates', which triggered market misinterpretation and affected the company's reputation. To safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the company, on June 12, 2024, our company has officially reported to the public security organs and will legally pursue the legal responsibility of the rumor-mongers.

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According to TapTechNews on June 12, recently, an email screenshot titled 'GAC Aion Campus Recruitment Cancellation Notice' has been circulating on social platforms.

The screenshot shows, 'According to the adjustment of the company's fresh graduate recruitment policy, we regret to inform you that the signed tripartite agreement/bilateral agreement is cancelled. The company will pay you a penalty of 5000 yuan ($700) as agreed.'

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Regarding this incident, the human resources department of GAC Aion responded to Dahe Cai Cube and said that the above situation is true, and also said that the cancellation also has the personal reason of the signed students.

GAC Aion later replied to Shell Finance: 118 fresh graduates have been hired, and only a few fresh graduates have been adjusted and will be compensated according to the agreement.

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In May, GAC Aion's global sales exceeded 40073 vehicles, with a monthly growth rate of 42.5%. In addition, the official also announced that the global tasting of the second-generation AIONV has been launched, and the Hyper GT global model is about to be launched. According to the additional report of TapTechNews, the new AIONV has previously premiered at the 2024 Beijing Auto Show, positioned as a new hard-core intelligent driving SUV, known as the 'pure electric T-Rex'.
