Samsung's 3nm Chip Yield Issue, Galaxy S25 to Use Only Qualcomm Chips

According to TapTechNews on June 18, Guo Mingxi, an analyst with Tianfeng International Securities, tweeted today, suggesting that the yield of Samsung's 3-nanometer chip Exynos 2500 is lower than expected, which may lead to inability to ship. The entire Galaxy S25 series to be launched next year will use Qualcomm chips.

 Samsungs 3nm Chip Yield Issue, Galaxy S25 to Use Only Qualcomm Chips_0

TapTechNews attached a screenshot of Guo Mingxi's tweet. He stated that in the Galaxy S24 series, the proportion of Exynos chips is 40% and that of Qualcomm Snapdragon chips is 60%, and in the Galaxy S25 series, Samsung may choose to be exclusively supplied by Qualcomm.

Guo Mingxi said that in addition to a significant increase in the supply proportion, the quotation of Qualcomm's Snapdragon 8 Gen4 chip has increased by about 25-30%, so Qualcomm is expected to benefit significantly from the increase in the S25 order proportion.

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company is the exclusive supplier of Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen4 (using N3E process), so Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company is also expected to benefit significantly from the increase in Qualcomm orders.
