Luobo Kuaipao Issues Statement Against Illegal Use of Its Name for Fraudulent Activities

TapTechNews August 12th news, in response to the recent illegal activities of illegal elements developing fake websites and apps in the name of Luobo Kuaipao, and spreading false investment invitation, franchise, leasing information through the Internet (such as social media, chat software, etc.), which are suspected of illegally obtaining citizens' personal information and fraud. Luobo Kuaipao released a statement early this morning stating that it has reported to the relevant departments at the first time, and at the same time has sent more than 800 reports to various social media platforms, and as of now, 736 pieces of rumor content have been taken down.

TapTechNews attaches the Serious Statement on the Illegal Use of the Name 'Luobo Kuaipao' by Lawbreakers for Illegal Activities:

Recently, our company received reports from the masses, saying that there are illegal elements developing fake websites and apps in the name of Luobo Kuaipao, and spreading false investment invitation, franchise, leasing information through the Internet (such as social media, chat software, etc.), such as the first 20,000 registered Luobo Kuaipao members can lease for free. The above actions are suspected of illegal activities such as illegally obtaining citizens' personal information and fraud, which not only seriously infringe on our company's intellectual property rights, brand image and public reputation, but also may lead to the legitimate rights and interests of the majority of Internet users being infringed. Our company has reported to the relevant departments at the first time. At the same time, it has sent more than 800 reports to various social media platforms, and as of now, 732 pieces of rumor content have been taken down.

In order to prevent the continuous spread of the harm of the above illegal activities, Luobo Kuaipao hereby makes the following statements:

1. As of now, Luobo Kuaipao has never carried out relevant businesses such as investment invitation and franchise, leasing, fund raising by itself or authorized any third party. The content release and related fraud activities carried out by lawbreakers under the name of Luobo Kuaipao have nothing to do with our company. Remind the majority of Internet users to be vigilant and avoid being deceived.

Remind the majority of Internet users again, please identify the official website of Luobo Kuaipao, the official social account (WeChat public account: Luobo Kuaipao Autonomous Driving; WeChat mini-program: Luobo Kuaipao; Weibo: Luobo Kuaipao Autonomous Driving), the official App (Luobo Kuaipao), strengthen the awareness of risk prevention, and do not believe any forged content and false promises of lawbreakers to prevent losses.

2. Luobo Kuaipao solemnly warns the organizations and individuals who use the name of Luobo Kuaipao to engage in the above illegal behaviors to immediately stop all illegal actions. Any unauthorized use of the name of Luobo Kuaipao to engage in infringement, fraud and other illegal acts that harm the public interest, our company will resolutely crack down and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of our company and relevant Internet users through legal channels.

3. When the majority of Internet users find any illegal act of using the name of Luobo Kuaipao or impersonating Luobo Kuaipao personnel to implement the above illegal behaviors, please verify or report by leaving a message in the background of the official WeChat public account of Luobo Kuaipao Autonomous Driving or calling the official customer service number 4006665608.

Since its birth, Luobo Kuaipao has always adhered to the long-term development driven by technological innovation. And driverless is a typical representative of new-quality productive forces. In the future, Luobo Kuaipao will adhere to making technology truly benefit every user and bring more convenient, safe and comfortable experiences.

Luobo Yunli (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd.

August 12, 2024

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