Shanghai Launches Drone Enforcement Against 'Distracted Driving'

TapTechNews May 19th news, according to the official public account of 'Pudong Traffic Police', recently Shanghai has launched drones to carry out air law enforcement to crack down on 'distracted driving' behaviors such as answering phone calls, browsing electronic devices and eating while driving.

TapTechNews learned from the report that at about 9 am on May 10th, near the Yan'an Elevated Road Yandong Interchange, a slowly moving car attracted the attention of the on-site duty police. Subsequently, the police used a drone to capture the scene where the driver in the car held the mobile phone in front of him and continued to watch the screen, and also'shifted both hands' to click during this period. So, the police stopped the car at the next ramp and imposed a penalty of 3 points deduction and a fine of 200 yuan ($28.57) on the driver.

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At about 4 pm on May 11th, when Jing'an Traffic Police patrolled with a drone, it was found that near Tianmu Middle Road and Hengfeng Road, the driver of a large truck was clicking with one hand while holding the mobile phone and holding a cigarette with the other hand. The police went forward to intercept it and punished and educated the driver in accordance with the law.

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The Shanghai Public Security Traffic Police Department said that the data shows that more than 70% of traffic accidents are caused by inattention, and the phenomenon of 'using communication tools while driving' is widespread. According to relevant regulations, when driving a motor vehicle, there should be no 'behaviors that hinder safe driving such as making or answering handheld phone calls and watching TV', and now the Shanghai traffic police are using the law enforcement method of patrolling and shooting with drones to obtain evidence of 'distracted driving' and other traffic violations to dynamically master various road traffic conditions, and at the same time provide a basis for the rear command platform to arrange police forces and dispatch tow trucks, etc.
